Consider if ocular assessment is needed or not:Established retinopathy can rapidly progress during and up to 1 year after pregnancy and can lead to sight-threatening deterioration. The greater the degree of preconceptional retinopathy, the greater is the risk of retinopathy progressing during pregnancy. The absence of retinopathy before conception confers very small risk of development of significant retinopathy during pregnancy. Nontheless, significant retinopathy can develop and progress during pregnancy, even if not identified preconceptionally. Additional risk factors for progression of retinopathy during pregnancy include preexisting hypertension, poorly controlled hyperrtension during pregnancy, preeclampsia and poorly glycemic control at the onset of and during pregnancy. Therefore: R 1.5c Suggest that pregnant women diagnosed with overt DM, not known to have retinopathy, perform ocular assessment as soon as after conception and then periodically as indicated.(2++) Is retinopathy established? |
Map: Management of overt diabetes (DM) and gestational diabetes (GDM) (305)
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